What is communication?
literal-from Latin word communicare means that to make something ideas,thought,feeling,information common (for commonly known to others)
-common is something that all people know eg: today is cloudy maybe will raining.
eg: today is cloudy maybe will raining.
hungry-our stomach will soundly like crrroooookkk naturally.
tell other people that your are hungry
from your expression face that your are hungry now-
In this case people will know that your are hungry and you want to eat ASAP
technical-deliberate or accidental transfer of meaning (that occur whenever someone observes or experiences behavior and attributes meaning to it) Gamble & Gamble(2008)
deliberate- with intention/plan accidental- without intention
attributes meaning- to interpret something or to understand
A systematic process in which people interact with and interact through symbols to create and interprets meanings.(Wood)
systematic- non stop
process-influence many parts
symbols-anything that had meaning like gesture,body language,word,sign